Friday, September 18, 2009

Last Couple Days

So I tried to post a blog last night and I did not get it off in time before the internet logged me out. We head home so soon, it is sad and exciting. Last night we went out to this club and were the only ones on the floor. It was weird. People just sat around the edge and watched. Creepy. I only got four hours of sleep so I am excited for bed tonight. I can't wait to get home and sleep a bunch.

Everyone is going shark diving tomorrow, but I chose not to. So I get a free day. Not sure what to do. Possibly hike Table Mountain. That may be saved for Sunday though, not sure. Today we went to a market for souveniers and a cheetah conservation center. The cheetahs reminded me of Katie's soccer team back in the day with CC and Teddy.

I went sea shell hunting on the beach twice today. It is amazing. There are a million beautiful shells just laying on the beach. There are layers and layers of them. You will absolutely love them. David and I discovered a new species of sea specimen. It is called the Daverica or another name that I will not post on this blog. It is so crazy. It is a blue jelly thing that kind of looks like it has electronic pieces in it, but then it inflates into what looks like a small blown up balloon. We took documentation photos so we will get credit for the discovery.

Sunday we will be going to a market, Table Mountain and a sunset cruise on a chartered boat. We leave Monday morning around 11am with a flight at 2pm. Then we are off for 30 hours of travel. We are not too excited for that, but it will be fun now that we all know eachother.

I cannot wait to tell you everything and show you pictures and just see your pretty faces. Oh and the phone calls are not likely because the price has tripled from one hotel to the next (even though they are owned by the same company). Is someone going to be able to pick me up from the airport? Or should I hitch a ride from Jillian and Andrew? I plan on going to Sumner, if that means anything to anyone.



  1. Wow hun, looks like you've been super busy. how come you didnt go shark swimming? i cant wait to see your smiling face either. G-ma jo has been checking out your blog( we emailed it to her) and she said to say hi to you and that she loves you. Ive been trying to figure out from your itinerary when you come in cause id like to meet you at the airport. if you blog again before you leave just let me know what time you come in. Its been really nice here and it otta be in the 80's when you get back. Hope you enjoy your last few days there and please be careful if you go out on your own while everyone is shark diving. I want you to make it back in here in one piece so we can here all the kewl stories and check out your daverica! i love you sweetie! sonja and Jacob say hi also!

  2. Everyone is working but I'm sure we can lose a couple hours to drive all the way to the airport in the early morning hours to pick you up at 11:07. I'm just kidding about all that. We will be there but if we dont see you by 11:07 we are leaving. you deff shoulda gone shark diving. but im sure table mountain shall be fun. Mike and I and maybe Brooke will ride together to make sure that at least someone is there on time. haha, mom and mike both liked that one. I'm glad you're comming home soon cause I feel terrible that Mike has to keep going to the football games alone. i feel like a jerk but you'll be here soon to make up for it. we all love you and miss you.... i miss you the most.

    p.s. i move into my apartment tomorrow. i thought you'd be excited. and i like my roommate a lot. she talks a lot but shes still awesome!!

    love always,

  3. No way, i miss you the most!

  4. Oh and I am so excited to see your new place Katie!!!! Can I visit on Tuesday or Wednesday?
